A Perfect Mistake

Mistakes happen. Agreeing to write a piece about making mistakes comes to mind, but I digress. I believe that brewing is an amazing blend of artistry, craft, science, and a bit of dumb luck. When I look back over my career it’s easy for me to point to all the times...

A True Celebration of Dad

According to the history books, the first Father’s Day was celebrated in the state of Washington in June 1910. A young woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd had the idea of honoring and celebrating her dad after listening to a Mother’s Day sermon at her church the...

Beer & Yoga

I wish I had a really great story about how my yoga practice began. But, I don’t. It’s just really simple: I am a 200-hour certified yoga teacher and I absolutely love what I do! Yoga came into my life when I didn’t know I needed it, and it unknowingly changed...

“What is your favorite beer to drink?”

This is probably one of the questions I am most asked once people find out I brew beer for a living. I’ve been asked this question so often that my immediate response is always the same, “The next beer I drink.” Usually, the individual I’m talking to...

The Value in Spent Grain

A big part of our jobs as brewers involves efficiency. We receive malt on 2000 lb pallets, grind it up to the perfect consistency in our mill, steep it in hot water so that enzymes can break down it’s complex starches into fermentable sugars, and extract those sugars...
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