​Iron Hill in 2018: A Year of Growth

The month of January is commonly used as a chance to reflect upon the year that has recently gone by, and to also re-energize for the year ahead. We wanted to take a few minutes, after allowing the dust to settle a bit, to celebrate the many accomplishments of our...

“What is your favorite beer to drink?”

This is probably one of the questions I am most asked once people find out I brew beer for a living. I’ve been asked this question so often that my immediate response is always the same, “The next beer I drink.” Usually, the individual I’m talking to...

Stout vs. Porter: What's the Difference?

Every brewer has been asked this one question at least once in their career: what is the difference between a stout and a porter? You would think that a question that simple would have a short, concise answer that could be explained in a tweet rather than a long blog...

Pink Boots

As a female in the brewing industry, one of the most common things I hear is, “wow, there probably aren’t a lot of women in your field….” Well, there are more than you think, and many of us are members of an organization called the Pink Boots...

Thanksgiving Beer Pairings

I’ve always enjoyed Googling “Thanksgiving wine pairings” to see what comes up. Often the articles open with quotes about how hard it is to choose the right wines for Thanksgiving dinner. Here are a few: “Picking wines for Thanksgiving is never an easy task. How do...

Brew for a Day

Walking into work that day, I knew it was going to be unlike the rest. As the Brand Marketing Manager for Iron Hill, my days are usually spent in an office working on advertising and media activities, drafting e-mails, keeping the website up to date and promoting our...