Iron Hill Collaborates with the Media Beer Ladies

by | 11/29/2022

My Fellow Beer Fans,

Back in late March we had the pleasure of brewing a collaboration beer with the ladies from Media’s own social beer drinking group, the Media Beer Ladies. The ladies were out in full force to lend a hand and of course make sure all of our beers were tasting just right. It was a sweaty and fun filled day and our labors bore the fruits of a delicious Imperial American Porter we dubbed “Iron Lady Porter,” our little nod to the collaboration between the Beer Ladies and Iron Hill. Sorry to disappoint you Margaret Thatcher fans out there.


Now, some of you might be asking, “Who are these mysterious Media Beer Ladies?” And, “How did this whole collaboration come into fruition?” Let me tackle these questions for you…

The mysterious Media Beer Ladies are, as defined by member and founder Brook Penders, “a social group for beer-forward women.” Brooke founded the group back in 2012, with sister groups West Chester and Pittsburgh, and currently are 450 members strong. The club combines two beloved traditions: girls’ night out and drinking great beer. Great beer is easy to come by when you’re situated in the Greater Philadelphia area. We have access to some of the most amazing craft beer in the nation and Brooke wanted to capitalize on this, plus hold regular events that appealed to women who enjoyed great beer. Thus the Media Beer Ladies were formed. Their events tend to focus on beer tastings, beer and food pairings, beer education and most importantly socializing to increase and expand friendships/relationships. They always encourage like-minded women to attend their events and ask that you bring along your mom, sister, best friends and co-workers to share in their next event. For more information on the Media Beer Ladies, check them out on the web at:


Our collaborations started back in late January when I was contacted by Brooke about hosting an event for the Media Beer Ladies. Our original ideas centered on a small beer and food pairing, or a night out sampling beers and touring the brewery. I couldn’t subject the women to a night of me constantly “geeking out” about beer (it would be similar to watching paint dry). So, I made the off-handed suggestion of a collaboration brew. Brooke took to the idea right away as it was something the group had never been involved in before. From there the question became, “What do we brew?” We left that decision up to the rest of the ladies. The votes came back right away and we had suggestions ranging from a German Marzen to an American IPA to a Barrel-Aged Sour Beer. We eventually settled on an American Imperial Porter that we rightfully named “Iron Lady Porter”.

The Media Beer Ladies and I invite you to join us for the release of our “Iron Lady Porter” from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20th. We are planning on making a few one off variations of the beer for the official tap date so make sure you stop by to snag a few tasty sips of some of these limited edition brews.




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